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Why BridgeMont?

We hear it often as campers, parents and guests step out of their cars and walk down the trail: "I feel at peace and rest each time I visit." BridgeMont offers a place to step away from the "daily" and experience life in community with new and old friends. Since 1966 BridgeMont has been a place where hearts are connected and Christ's love becomes apparent.
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If there were three words to describe BridgeMont they would be
"Community, Adventure, Imagination." We offer the chance to live in a back-to-basics setting.
Each day is another opportunity to step out and grow. BridgeMont is a place to let your mind and heart meditate, ask questions, and dream.

New at BridgeMont

A unique new offering at BridgeMont is our all girls camping week.  Often in this setting campers have the freedom to try new things, discover new talents and experience new adventures. It is a rich time of connection with one another.  It is ok to mess up, fail and try again. By discovering her gifts, strengths, and weaknesses, a camper takes steps toward individual growth and success.
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